Understanding the Different Dish Network DVR Models

Written by Kaitlin Carruth

A Dish Network DVR is a device that records television programs onto a hard disk drive in digital format for later viewing. DVRs giverepparttar freedom for you to record, pause, rewind, and fast forward television shows as you please. However, there are many different models available with different features and capabilities. What exactly arerepparttar 139679 differences between allrepparttar 139680 different models of Dish Network DVRs? Here is a quick and basic overview of some ofrepparttar 139681 different Dish Network DVR models and what they have to offer.

1) DISH Player-DVR 510. The DVR 510 hasrepparttar 139682 standard video on demand services which gives you more control of your viewing. This feature allows you to pause live TV, skip recorded commercials, create instant replays, and much more. It hasrepparttar 139683 ability to fast forward and rewind in four speeds (4x, 15x, 30x, 300x). You can also skip forward up to 30 seconds and skip backward up to 10 seconds. There is a one-touch record management feature andrepparttar 139684 option to userepparttar 139685 manual or automatic record timers. The DVR 510 also gives you easy access torepparttar 139686 Extended Electronic Program Guide that lets you view up to nine days of programming and allows you to search by names, subjects, or actors (all stored ontorepparttar 139687 hard drive). This Dish Network DVR has a 120 GB hard drive integrated intorepparttar 139688 satellite receiver. It hasrepparttar 139689 ability to record up to 100 hours of 100% digital programming.

2) DISH Player-DVR 522. Along with allrepparttar 139690 features thatrepparttar 139691 DVR 510 has,repparttar 139692 DVR 522 has two satellite tuners in one. This dual tuner gives yourepparttar 139693 power to record two programs simultaneously, watch a live program while recording another, or even watch a pre-recorded program while recording two live programs. It also has custom program controls (parental locks, program information, picture-in-guide view, OnDemand Weather, favorite lists, and much more). In addition, this Dish Network DVR comes with 2 platinum plus remotes and had Picture-In-Picture (PIP) capabilities.

Consumers Of Two-Way Radio Batteries are Pleased With New Choices and Lower Prices

Written by Cut-Rate Batteries

For Immediate Release May 25, 2005

Cut-Rate Batteries has enteredrepparttar on-line two-way radio battery market withrepparttar 139641 launch of its new site, www.cutratebatteries.com. Our website provides consumers with a better alternative to original battery manufacturers of two-way radio equipment such as Motorola and Kenwood on both price and quality. Business consumers have shown enthusiasm forrepparttar 139642 new site as an easy way to stock up on battery inventories.

Cut-Rate Batteries, an international distributor of batteries for two-way radio and barcode scanning equipment announcedrepparttar 139643 launch of its online store, last week, at . Targeting business consumer markets for two-way radio and barcode scanner batteries, Cut-Rate Batteries is hitting some ofrepparttar 139644 biggest players inrepparttar 139645 industry where they are least able to compete: Price.

Likerepparttar 139646 printer and printer-ink markets, batteries for specialized portable and wireless devices such a two-way radios and barcode scanners have been a very lucrative and continuous revenue source for companies such as Motorola, Kenwood, Symbol and Intermec. Consumers, until now, had very little choice inrepparttar 139647 purchase of batteries for such products. They could either payrepparttar 139648 inflated prices ofrepparttar 139649 original manufacturers, or accept lower quality, generic batteries with little assurance thatrepparttar 139650 expensive batteries would work as well, or last as long.

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